As part of the 2015 All School Reunion, an Alumni Scholarship Fund was established. The goal of this fund is to annually award an NL-S graduate or two with a scholarship towards their higher education goals. The NL-S Alumni Association would like this scholarship fund to be able to sustain an annual $500 award. As of November 2017, our alumni had donated just over $16,500. In hopes of jumpstarting the scholarship, the New London-Spicer Educational Foundation gifted the scholarship fund with $3,000, which assisted in achieving the $20,000 goal. The first scholarship of $500 was awarded in the spring of 2018.
If you would like to make a donation creating more senior scholarships, please mail checks to P.0. Box 58 New London, MN 56273 Checks should be made payable to New London-Spicer Educational Foundation. Please be sure to put the Alumni Scholarship Fund in the memo of the check.
The New London-Spicer Educational Foundation is the Alumni's fiscal agent and is a 501(c)3.

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Contact Us!
320.354.2252 Ext. 2422
Mailing Address
NLS Educational Foundation
PO Box 58
New London, MN 56273