Middle School Building Administrator: Dr. Jennifer Fuchs, FuchsJ@isd345.org, or by phone at 320.354.2252 Press 3
Please have your child begin logging onto Zoom at 10:00 a.m. Students will be expected to do the following:
Login using their first and last name.
Your child’s camera needs to be turned on so the adult can safely identify the child.
It is important that your child demonstrates appropriate online behavior as specified in District policy.
Assignments will be submitted through Schoology.
Classes will run on a two hour late schedule on an eLearning Day:
Hour 1: 10:15-10:48
Hour 2: 10:52-11:25
Hour 3 11:28-12:01
Hour 4: 12:04-12:37
Hour 5: 12:41-1:14
Hour 6: 1:18-1:51
Hour 7: 1:55-2:28
Hour 8: 2:32-3:05
Middle School grade level eLearning schedules can be found here.