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Every fall, the fifth grade takes a trip to the Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center located in Finland, MN (north of Duluth). This year the dates of our Wolf Ridge trip will be September 30th – October 4th. There are many expenses involved in this trip. The cost per student is over $375.00. We ask the parents/guardians to pay $200.00, with the difference of the fee and other expenses we have being made up by our annual pizza sales and the Sloppy Jo Supper fundraisers. We are informing you of the cost in advance so that you and your child can begin to save for his/her trip to Wolf Ridge. There will be more information about Wolf Ridge and the pizza sales coming to you at the start of school.
With the 5th Grade Wolf Ridge Trip right around the corner, we’d like to have you think about some opportunities this summer that could help your child next fall. Each year, we have a few students who experience anxiety about being away from home for five days during their trip to Wolf Ridge. For most students the anxiety is minor and they do fine once they’re on their trip and having fun. For a select few, the anxiety about being away from home creates a problem and it gets in the way of the fun times and environmental education that takes place on the trip. You can help your child with this by planning some overnight outings away from home (away from parents). Perhaps they can spend some days with relatives or friends or at a camp. Some children at this age have never had overnights away from home. For those children, start with one or two days away and perhaps build on that. Even one or two days away from home overnight will give them the confidence that they can do it, and it will be O.K.
Under Important Documents you will find our grade 5 handbook, Wolf Ridge supply list, and the payment plan options. Our hope is to provide you with more time to look for these items. We’ve found that many people like to watch for sales or make arrangements to borrow things ahead of time. The supply list will also be explained and sent home at the start of school.
Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center
Grade 5 Fundraisers (More Info coming soon)
The cost for each student is over $375. We ask parents to pay $200, with the other portion of the cost being fundraised with our fall pizza sales. More information regarding pizza sales will be coming to you the first week of school.