Looking for a safe structured environment for your child before and/or after school? PALS and Lil' PALS is the place to be. Monthly themes, daily activities to choose from and being with your friends = GREAT TIME! Each afternoon your child will be able to pick from a variety of activities they would like to do. Activities are geared to excite and extend your child's interest and learning development. Activities are craft center, games, kids & sports, hike & learn, science kids, kids exploring computers, kids in the kitchen, Friday free day. Snacks are included in the daily routine. PALS does not transport kids to activities during the school year.
PALS Chidcare serves NLS students attending Prairie Woods in grades K-4. We now provide before-school care in addition to after-school care for any NLS family that needs it.
Lil' PALS Childcare serves NLS Cub Kids Preschoolers during the year(s) they are enrolled!