Welcome New Families
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- New London-Spicer School District 345
- Back to School Information
Please take a moment to review our 2024-25 District Calendar and our District Wide Back-to-School Letter.
Beginning August 1, all families must complete our online verification using Parent Portal prior to their Back-to-School event/conference.
The High School Back-to-School event will be Wednesday, August 21. For more details, click here.
Class schedules will be viewable on the Parent Portal site as of August 1.
PreK - Grade 8 will have Back-to-School Conferences (by appointment) on August 26 & 27. Families will receive an automated email with instructions regarding scheduling Back-to-School Conferences upon the completion of their Annual Online Verification.
The first day of school for Grades 9-12 will be August 26, 2024.
The first day of school for PreK - Grade 8 will be August 28, 2024.
Ordering School Photos & Picture Days
To view 8th Street Photography's Picture Packages, click here. Families will receive school picture order codes via an automated email upon the completion of their Annual Online Verification.
High School Picture Day: August 21 from 1-7pm during the high school back-to-school event. Retakes will be on October 22.
Middle School Picture Day(s): August 26 & 27 during Back-to-School Conferences. Retakes will be on October 22.
Elementary School Picture Day(s): August 26 & 27 during Back-to-School Conferences from 7:30-4:30 p.m. Retakes will be on October 24.
Preschool Picture Day(s): September 9 & 10 from 8:30-10:30 a.m. Retakes will be on October 24.
Parent Portal Accounts
Our main form of communication for families is Infinite Campus aka. Parent Portal. New London-Spicer Schools uses Infinite Campus to communicate information regarding grades, schedules, attendance, medical records, weather delays, enrollment, etc. We encourage our families to download the Campus Student and Campus Parent apps.
No Parent Portal Account? Please email, Stacy Adams, adamss@isd345.org to get an access code to complete your Parent Portal setup. Setting up a portal account means you agree to abide by Policy 915 - Parent Portal.
Please click here for the pdf version.