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Friends of Education Award Recipients

When the New London-Spicer Education team reviewed the nominations for the 2024-25 Friends of Education Award, two nominees stood out equally.
💛Both have contributed years of service and additional time during their retirement.
🖤Both have been invaluable to new staff.
💛Both clearly care about building programming in their respective content areas.
🖤Both do these things without monetary compensation.
💛Both are dependable and irreplaceable resources, now and likely into the future.
Therefore, on Tuesday, August 20, we honored our TWO newest Friends of Education Award recipients who also happen to be former NLS teachers!
🌸 Laura Molenaar 🌸
"I nominate Laura Molenaar for the Friend of Education award! She is extremely dedicated to helping kids in our community. She takes hours of her time to help students - especially with regard to science and nature. She has been very dedicated to my YES team, and has spent a great amount of her time helping us with projects and education. She donates her time, energy, and resources- and she is always happy to step up to help. Her connection to our district after her years of teaching here never ceases to amaze me!"
🎶 Brian Pearson 🎶
"Brian would be a wonderful person to receive the Friend of Education award! From the time I was hired last spring and throughout the year, he has been a welcoming presence. Brian volunteered his time to sub for one of our pit players last fall, and has welcomed Jason into the church music community in New London-Spicer. He also came in several days to write down all the instrument serial numbers and check the conditions of our inventory - which is a time-consuming and tedious feat! He has provided great insight into the history of the program and has been a great help to us this year! We appreciate everything Brian does."
Congratulations Laura and Brian!